
Master in Industrial Engineering and Management (MEGI)

Master's students in Industrial Engineering and Management (MEGI) are engineers with an interdisciplinary vision of business problems, with a solid background in the basic sciences, fundamental technologies, economics and management. The strong interdisciplinary component allows future masters to apply their knowledge to problem solving, even in new or unfamiliar situations, evidence of a professional systems approach integrating scientific, technological and management knowledge.
The skills acquired in the MEGI allow engineers to collect, select and interpret relevant information to evaluate solutions as well as justify their proposed solutions. The graduates develop skills for a professional intervention in a wide scope of organizations, whether in the industry, the services or in research.
Master in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MEGIE)

The Masters in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MEGIE) main objective is to train qualified professionals and equip them with tools in innovation management, design thinking and development of new products and services, entrepreneurship and commercialization of technology, and multi-level technological and sectoral policies, contributing to the formulation and implementation of innovative business strategies and public policies, as well as the creation of new technology-based companies.
MEGIE intends to train human resources that, positioned in industry and services, public institutions, universities, R&D units, organizations dedicated to the commercialization and transfer of technology, or in other areas of the Scientific and Technological System, can contribute to enhance the role played by Science and Technology in promoting business competitiveness and employment, as well as sustainable and socially responsible economic development.