PhD Programmes

Doctoral Program in Engineering and Management (DeGest)

The PhD Program in Engineering and Management equips students with the mastery of a variety of methods within the field of Management Science, across a broad range of themes. The approaches adopted are applicable to decision and analysis problems in the fields of business management, public policy, and wherever the interaction between technology, economy and society is required.
Graduates combine technological knowledge, management scientific methods, and organizational factors, and play an increasingly important role in business development both in the industry and services, government, and produce independent scientific research with international impact.
Doctoral Program in Engineering and Public Policy (DEAEPP)

The PhD program in Engineering and Public Policy prepares students to develop research in public policy and management of technology by addressing real world issues where technology, business and legal aspects are equally important. This program focuses on networked infrastructures and offers specializations in telecom policy and energy policy. It also provides strong preparation in decision analysis applied to real world problems.
The program trains public policy analysts able to tackle complex, ill-defined and unstructured, real world problems of large scale and to develop information and knowledge to effective manage such systems.