Open faculty search 2024-2025

The Department of Engineering and Management is carrying out an open search process for possible candidates for faculty positions

The Department of Engineering and Management of Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University has three open positions for the recruitment of Assistant Professors in the following areas:

Engineering and Management of Organizations (Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Strategy)

Engineering and Management of Systems (Operations Research and Analytics)

Engineering and Management of Systems (Operations, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management)

The application period is open until 2024 August 9th.

The selected candidate will be hired through the celebration of an employment contract in public functions, aiming at a tenured position, after a 5-year trial period. These calls are intended for people who have completed their PhD. Potential applicants should send the below documents through the IST platform.


Reference letters:

Instituto Superior Técnico policy allows the submission of reference letters by recognized academics suggested by the candidates applying to faculty positions.

Please, contact the reference persons you mentioned in the application form and ask them the recommendation letters.

Guidelines concerning the contents of the letters are available here.

To ensure confidentiality, the letters must be sent to IST by the reference person, to the email address, before the application deadline.

The subject of the message must mention explicitly the reference to the call.
