Diplomas of excellence 2020/2021

At the Solemn Session of the 111th Anniversary of the Instituto Superior Técnico, the diplomas of excellence for the 2020/2021 academic year were delivered to the teachers present:
Ana Paula Ferreira Dias Barbosa Póvoa
Bruna Alexandra Elias Mota
Maria do Céu Antunes Silvestre
Tânia Rute Xavier de Matos Pinto Varela
The following DEG Professors were also highlighted as Excellent Teachers:
Andreia Maria Rodrigues dos Santos
Daniel Páscoa Soares do Rego
Hugo Miguel Fragoso de Castro Silva
Inês Isabel Carrilho Nunes
José Manuel Gonçalves Pinto
Mafalda Costa Santos Ivo de Carvalho
Mariana Bayão Horta Mesquita da Cunha
Miguel Alves Pereira
Paulo Alexandre Fernandes Varela Simões Caldas
Teresa Sofia Cipriano Gonçalves Rodrigues
DEG congratulates the excellent faculty and appreciates the outstanding work of each one.